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Luke Hedger ~ Software Engineer

Hello! I'm Luke, a software engineer currently specialising in serverless applications and event-driven architectures. I'm the co-author of The Serverless Book, and I've spoken at various conferences and meetups.

Previously I have worked at Cancer Research UK, JAAK Music, Unlease, M&C Saatchi and Lean Mean Fighting Machine. Since 2019 I have been leading serverless engineering teams and using AWS Step Functions a lot.

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Bloblang Lambda :
Run Bloblang mappings in AWS Lambda
Custom Intrinsics :
Custom Step Functions intrinsic functions powered by LLRT
Fluent Lambda Functions :
Write Lambda functions as a fluent interface
Wide Telemetry :
Wide logging and wide tracing for AWS Lambda and Step Functions


Serverless Development on AWS :
Goto Book Club, Sep 2024
How to replace a critical API :
ServerlessDays Belfast, May 2024
A Serverless User Journey :
Serverless London, May 2023
A Serverless User Journey :
Serverless Architecture Conf London, Apr 2023
Cross-Domain Events with AsyncAPI and AWS :
AsyncAPI Conference, Nov 2022
Pioneering Serverless Payments :
Serverless Architecture Conf Berlin, Oct 2022
How To Write Node.js Lambda Functions :
Serverless Days Student Edition, Aug 2022
Serverless: Ship on Day 1 :
Serverless Days Student Edition, Aug 2022
Pioneering Serverless Payments :
Brick by Brick, Aug 2022
Continuous Serverless Delivery :
SST 1.0 Conf, May 2022
Sensitive Data Detection Pipelines :
AWS Summit London, Apr 2022
Serverless at Cancer Research UK :
Serverless London, May 2020